ASL Module Doomed Batallions (3rd Edition)
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Oportunidades: el juego est en stock en unidades limitadas. Las Oportunidades son juegos que o bien han sufrido algn desperfecto en la caja o bien han sido abiertos por alguna razn (comprobaciones de control de calidad, etc), pero que su contenido est perfecto. Es decir, son juegos que contienen todo lo necesario para poder jugarlo. No se remitirn fotos especficas del estado de las cajas, a todos los efectos se debe considerar como si se comprase el juego sin caja y sin inserto, aunque la gran mayora de las veces son desperfectos sin importancia. Estos juegos, dada la naturaleza de los mismos, no admiten devoluciones. Chollos: el juego est en stock en unidades limitadas. Los chollos son juegos nuevos a estrenar que ofrecemos a precios especiales. La oferta est limitada en el tiempo y a las unidades que se pongan en oferta, una vez se retiren de la seccin de Chollos su precio volver a ser el estndar.
Descatalogado: el juego ha sido descatalogado por el fabricante por lo que en principio no se espera ninguna reimpresin. No obstante, en contadas ocasiones, un fabricante decide volver a imprimir un juego. No es posible adquirir el juego, pero s reservarlo. Si tenemos constancia de una reimpresin y una fecha aproximada de recepcin, pasar a Precompra.
(*) Salvo que en el mismo momento de realizar la compra se realice en paralelo otra compra que agote las unidades, dada esta situacin el juego pasar a disponible y se lo comunicaramos por correo electrnico.
(**) Salvo que en el mismo momento de realizar la compra se realice en paralelo otra compra que agote las unidades, dada esta situacin el juego pasar a disponible bajo demanda a precio normal o a descatalogado y se lo comunicaramos por correo electrnico.
(***) Salvo que al solicitar la reposicin al editor nos comunique que el juego est descatalogado o pendiente de reimpresin. Lo que se comunicar por correo electrnico en cuanto tengamos conocimiento.

ASL Module Doomed Batallions (3rd Edition)

September 8, 1939... Barely a week into the invasion of Poland, German troops of the 4th Panzer Division were at the gates of Warsaw despite having lost a quarter of their armor. The Polish citizenry was urged to dig anti-tank ditches and fortify buildings, and artillery pieces were hastily aimed down the long avenues of the Ochota district. The wars first vital urban battle was about to commence...

September 9, 1939... With von Rundstedt driving on Warsaw, his northern flank was stretched thin. In a desperate attempt to buy time for the defense of Warsaw, Army Poznan struck south at Leczyca with artillery, tankettes, and motorized machine gun carts. A breakthrough here could blunt the German attack. On the defensive for the first time and without armor support, the landsers of the 30th Division teetered on the edge of breaking...

April 9th, 1940... Threatened with aerial bombardment of Copenhagen, the Danish Government quickly surrendered once the Germans crossed the border. The only problem was that the Germans had so efficiently eliminated Danish lines of communication that news of the surrender did not reach the front line troops. In Haderslev, the Danish garrison prepared to repulse the invading Germans, wondering if this was to be their last act...

May 13, 1940... As planned, French troops moved up into Belgium as soon as the Germans violated Belgium neutrality. As the blitzkrieg raged, gaps appeared between the Belgian and French armies. One such gap at the railway crossing at Wolmerson, plugged by a mixed force of Belgian infantry and light armor, saw the Germans attacking at the same time that the neighboring French recon force was pulling out. As the Germans advanced from several directions, the outnumbered defenders could only hope that the armor reinforcements of the Belgian Lanciers would get there in time...

November 17, 1940... The Greek town of Koritsa fell several days after Italys Albanian-based invasion was launched on October 28th. Three weeks later, the Italian "blitzkrieg" still hadnt made much progress, and the Greeks were preparing a counterattack to retake the strategic mountain village. Horse-drawn artillery and captured Italian tankettes supported the attack, but it was the mounted Greek cavalrymen who struck fear into the hearts of Mussolinis pride and joy, the Alpini...

DOOMED BATTALIONS is the Allied Minors Armor and Ordnance Extension to the ADVANCED SQUAD LEADER system. Extensive research into the specifications and usage of the Armored Fighting Vehicles and Ordnance of Poland, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Yugoslavia, and Greece allows you to recreate the valiant efforts of these Doomed Battalions to stem the tide of blitzkrieg.

Three beautiful geomorphic mapboards further extend the flexibility of this most versatile game system. Board 9 is the last of the "rogue" boards featuring a large hill mass rising up four levels, with two passes cutting through and a stone "monastery" on the heights, Board 44 depicts a rural crossroads with open terrain perfect for tank warfare. Board 45 provides the more urban feel of a large central European city with a large government building. New terrain rules are added to Chapter B, including rules for narrow streets and steeples. Also provided are updated pages for Chapter A, incorporating clarifications in the rules for "Human Wave" and controlling territory. Eight new scenarios covering actions throughout the early war period are presented. New terrain overlays, including railway overlays, allow you to adapt these and other mapboards to depict many different situations.

Vehicle counters include the 7TPJW, the queen of Polands armored forces, and Denmarks armed "Nimbus", a motorcycle unit mounting an anti-tank gun and anti-aircraft machinegun.

Scenario List

ASL Scenario 83 An Uncommon Occurrence
ASL Scenario 84 Round One
ASL Scenario 85 No Way Out
ASL Scenario 86 Fighting Back
ASL Scenario 87 Good Night, Sweet Prince
ASL Scenario 88 Art Nouveau
ASL Scenario 89 Rescue Attempt
ASL Scenario 90 Pride and Joy

DOOMED BATTALIONS, 1st Edition Errata
This errata applies to Doomed Battalions, 1st Edition only. All orders are filled with Doomed Battalions, 2nd Edition which has this errata incorporated.


Vehicle Note 15 T-13 Type II: Counters (and the illustration in the Note) should indicate that vehicle is radioless (as shown in Listing).

Vehicle Note 20 M3A3(a): Counters (and the illustration in the Note) should show superior turret armor for the side/rear armor (as indicated in the Listing), not for the front armor.

Vehicle Note 27 M.38: Counter B should show the MA as "37L", not "37".

Vehicle Note 36 VCL Utility(b): Counter and Listing should show that vehicle is fully-tracked, not wheeled.

Ordnance Note 10 C75 TR: Counters A-C (and the illustration in the Note) should show the gun caliber as overscored (as shown in the Listing and counter D)

Ordnance Note 13 C120 M31: Counter A (and the illustration in the Note) should show the gun caliber as overscored (as shown in the Listing and counters B & C).

Ordnance Note 30 75M 19S: The counters, the illustration in the Note, and the Listing should not show the gun caliber as overscored, since its AP5 (Limited Stowage-C8.8) is not date dependent.

Ordnance Note 31 C105 L 13S: Counter F should show M5 like the other counters, instead of M6.

Ordnance Note 33 155 model 17S: Counter A (and the Note illustration) should show the gun caliber as being overscored (as shown on Counters B & C and the Listing).


Ordnance Notes 4, 7, 11, 21, 22, & 32: The illustrations in the Notes for these Guns should show their gun caliber as overscored (as shown in the Listing and on the counters).

Ordnance Note 28 should refer to this guns use as "towed AT guns", not "towed AA guns".

Ordnance Note 36 should refer to British Ordnance Note 21, not 41.

Vehicle Note 2 Vickers Edw(b): The VCA of the vehicle in the diagram should be facing the squad (rotate the vehicle 120 degrees CCW).

Vehicle Note 30 should cross refer to Low Ground Pressure at D1.41, not D1.51.


Board 45: Hex N8 should have a regular center-dot in it, not a large dot.


Scenario 86 "Fighting Back": The contact number shown on the scenario card for the Polish radio should be 7, as is shown on the actual radio counter.

Scenario 89 "Rescue Attempt": In SSR 2 replace overlays RR3 & RR4 with RR11 & RR12 (the 6-hex ElRR overlays). [Consider overlapping a hex of the two GLRR overlays (RR1 & RR2) which will keep all of overlay RR1 on board.]


The six replacement counters for the U.S. M4 18-Ton High Speed Tractor (originally provided in KGPII) should show "*AAMG" for its MA, with "2" ROF box.

DOOMED BATTALIONS, 2nd Edition Errata

The counters for the M36 and M38 Armored Cars should have a 2FP rear BMG (the Listing is correct). This will be corrected in Journal #2.